The Best Venous Ulcers Treatment in Mumbai
- Minimally Invasive
- Painless Procedure
- Permanent Cure
- Non Thermal
- No Recurrence
- No Burns or Scars
- No Stockings Needed

Facts About Venous Ulcers
Varicose veins and venous ulcers are connected because venous ulcers are a common complication of untreated or poorly managed varicose veins. Varicose veins are a condition where the veins in the legs become enlarged, twisted, and bulging.
This happens because the valves inside the veins that normally prevent blood from flowing backward become weak or damaged, allowing blood to pool and build up in the veins.
When the blood pools in the veins, it can cause the veins to become stretched and weakened over time, leading to poor circulation and damage to the surrounding tissues. This can eventually result in the development of venous ulcers, which are open sores that form on the skin near the affected veins.
Venous ulcers usually occur in the lower legs and can be painful, slow to heal, and prone to infection. They are caused by a combination of poor blood circulation, inflammation, and tissue damage, all of which are common in people with varicose veins.
Treating varicose veins can help prevent the development of venous ulcers. This can be done through lifestyle changes such as exercise and weight management, wearing compression stockings, and medical procedures such as VenaSeal, and sclerotherapy.
Proper management of varicose veins can help improve blood circulation, prevent tissue damage, and reduce the risk of venous ulcers.
Varicose veins are caused by a number of factors, including:
Genetics: Some people have a genetic predisposition to developing varicose veins, which means that the condition tends to run in families.
Age: As people grow older, the valves in their veins can become weaker, leading to the development of varicose veins.
Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause, can also increase the risk of developing varicose veins.
Obesity: Excess weight can put extra pressure on the veins, causing them to enlarge and become varicose.
Prolonged standing or sitting: People who stand or sit for long periods of time, such as those in certain jobs, can be at increased risk of developing varicose veins.
Trauma: An injury to the leg can damage the veins and increase the risk of developing varicose veins.
Blood clots: Blood clots can also cause veins to enlarge and become varicose.
The following are some of the common symptoms of varicose veins:
Visible, bulging veins: The most noticeable symptom of varicose veins is the appearance of bulging, twisted veins on the legs or feet.
Pain: The affected area may be painful or tender to the touch, especially after standing or sitting for long periods of time.
Swelling: Varicose veins can cause swelling in the affected area, particularly at the end of the day or after prolonged periods of standing.
Fatigue or heaviness: Some people with varicose veins may experience a feeling of tiredness or heaviness in the legs.
Itching or burning: The skin around the affected veins may itch or burn, particularly in warmer weather.
Skin changes: In some cases, the skin around the varicose veins may become discolored, thin, or dry, and may even develop sores or ulcers.
Muscle cramps: Some people with varicose veins may experience muscle cramps, particularly at night.
Stages Of Varicose Veins
It is important to seek treatment for varicose veins at any stage. In the early stages, treatment options include lifestyle changes such as exercise, weight management, and compression stockings can help to reduce the symptoms. But it won’t cure your varicose veins. If your varicose stage is above phase 2, you should choose medical procedures such as VenaSeal, or sclerotherapy to cure it permanently. Otherwise your varicose veins will lead in to more severe phases like chronic venous insufficiency and venous ulcers. Our doctors can help you determine the best course of action based on the severity of your varicose veins and your overall health.

Normal Leg

Phase 2 Spider Veins

Phase 3 Reticular Varicose Veins

Phase 4 Trunk Varicose Veins

Phase 5 Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Phase 6 Venous Ulcer
If left untreated, venous ulcers can lead to several complications, including:
Venous ulcers are open wounds that can become infected, especially if proper wound care is not maintained. Infections can cause further damage to the skin and underlying tissues and can lead to more serious health problems.
This is a bacterial skin infection that can cause redness, swelling, and pain in the affected area. Cellulitis can spread quickly and may require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics to treat.
Venous ulcers can cause tissue damage and death, which can result in gangrene, a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Gangrene can lead to amputation of the affected limb.
Reduced mobility
Pain and discomfort associated with venous ulcers can lead to reduced mobility, which can cause muscle weakness and atrophy. Reduced mobility can also increase the risk of blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, and other complications.
Decreased quality of life
Chronic venous ulcers can cause physical and emotional distress, leading to decreased quality of life and a negative impact on mental health.
Therefore, it is essential to seek treatment for venous ulcers as soon as possible to prevent complications and improve healing outcomes. Treatment options may include wound care, compression therapy, and medications to address underlying venous insufficiency.
Read More about Varicose Vein Treatments
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Why Choose VenaSeal
VenaSeal is a treatment option for varicose veins that is minimally invasive and uses a medical adhesive to seal the affected veins. This prevents blood from flowing backward and reduces symptoms like swelling and pain. Although no other treatment can completely guarantee that varicose veins will not recur, VenaSeal proved to be the best treatment of Varicose Veins which reduces the risk of recurrence.
One of the advantages of VenaSeal is that it is safe and effective for many patients, including those who are not good candidates for other treatments like thermal ablation. This is because VenaSeal does not use heat or energy that can potentially cause damage to surrounding tissues and increase the risk of complications.
Clinical studies have shown that VenaSeal has a low incidence of complications and a high rate of patient satisfaction. VenaSeal is not a popular treatment like endo venous laser ablation but, the current studies and evidences suggest that it offers an effective and long-lasting solution for varicose veins.

Comparison Between VenaSeal and RFA/LASER
Read the comparison table below and learn more about the benefits of VenaSeal and Disadvantages of RFA/LASER treatment for Varicose Veins and Venous Ulcers.
- High Chance of Recurrence about 70%
- Thermal Method
- Anaesthesia Needed
- Not good for Elderly and High Risk Patients
- Outdated Treatment
- Minimally Invasive But Painful Procedure
- More Blood loss in some case
- Takes Time to Full Recovery
- Visible Burns and Scars
- Stockings Needed for Longer Time
- Less or No Recurrence chance (2% in severe cases)
- Non Thermal Method (Adhesive Method)
- No Anaesthesia
- Ideal for Elderly and High Risk Patients
- Most Advanced Treatment till Date
- Minimally Invasive and Painless Procedure
- Minimal Blood Loss
- Instant Recovery
- No Heat - No Burns or Scars
- No Stockings Needed (In some case, for shorter time)
How do we know VenaSeal the best treatment
The Vein Center has a long history of successfully treating varicose veins, and its medical professionals are highly skilled in identifying the most appropriate treatment option for each patient’s individual needs. We have an extensive experience in treating varicose veins using a range of techniques, including endo venous laser ablation and vein stripping. We are always looking to most advanced and effective treatment options for our beloved patients. Check our evolution in terms of varicose veins treatment below and find out why we are Introducing and promoting VenaSeal treatment.
FROM 2008
Vein Stripping
From 2008 to 2012, we were following the traditional vein stripping method to treat the varicose veins. Disadvantage of vein stripping is that it is an invasive procedure that requires general anaesthesia, which can increase the risk of complications. The procedure can cause scarring, pain, and a longer recovery period compared to other minimally invasive treatments.
FROM 2012
Endo Venous Laser Ablation
From 2012 to first half of 2018, we have opted the Endo Venous Laser Ablation procedure to treat Varicose Veins. We have successfully treated thousands varicose veins patients with Laser procedures. Due to the nature Laser Ablation which is thermal, there were many cases of recurrent Varicose Veins. Later we have treated all of them successfully with VenaSeal procedure.
FROM 2018
VenaSeal Closure System
From the second half of 2018 to present we are treating the varicose veins patients with VenaSeal Closure System procedures. Compared to Laser Ablation we can openly say that “VenaSeal is the Most Modern and Effective treatment for Varicose Veins and Venous Ulcers in the current time”. We have received many appreciation and recognition at International level for innovative treatment protocols and steps along with VenaSeal.
We are the best in VenaSeal Treatment

Dr. Saurabh Joshi
Dr. Saurabh Joshi at Vein Center Mumbai is a recognized expert in treating varicose veins and venous ulcers using VenaSeal treatment. Here’s why patients trust him:
Specialization in VenaSeal Treatment
Dr. Joshi has extensive experience and specialized training in VenaSeal treatment. He has successfully treated numerous patients, providing effective relief from venous insufficiency symptoms.
Proven Track Record
With a focus on delivering superior outcomes, Dr. Joshi has earned a reputation for excellence in vascular treatments. His patients benefit from his expertise and experience, resulting in improved vein health and quality of life.
Recognized Achievements
Dr. Joshi’s contributions to the field of vascular treatments have been recognized internationally. He won the College of Phlebology London award in 2018 and the Venartis (Vein Artist) Phlebology Innovation Award in Zurich 2019. Additionally, he was selected as a fellow at the Global Embolization Forum in New York in 2019.
Comprehensive Patient Care
Dr. Joshi takes a holistic approach to patient care, addressing individual needs and concerns at every step of the treatment process. Patients appreciate his compassionate bedside manner and personalized attention.
Trusted Leader
As a trusted leader in vein treatment, Dr. Joshi stays updated on the latest advancements in the field. Patients trust him to provide safe, effective, and compassionate care.
Experience the Difference
Choose Dr. Saurabh Joshi and Vein Center Mumbai for personalized care and expertise in VenaSeal treatment. Experience the difference that quality care and dedicated service can make in your vein treatment journey.
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Clinic Location
Khar West
Plot No 92, 301-302, Prabath Chambers, Swami Vivekananda Rd, Khar West, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400052
Andheri East
LT 3/2+3+4, Ground floor, Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Rd, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400059
Thane West
Dr Bhanushali Hospital, Kaushalya, Shivaji Path, near Railway Station, Jambli Naka, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400601
Mira Bhayandar
Shop no 03, Divine Health Care and Varicose Vein Center, Devaki Palace, CHSL, New Golden Nest Rd, Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra 401105
Kopar Khairane
opp. Kopar Khairane Station, , next to DAKC, MIDC Industrial Area, Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400710
Malad West
Room No.1, Sunflower Laboratory And Diagnostic Center, Keshav Kunj, Marve Rd, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064
Cumballa Hill
93,/95, ACI Hospitals, August Kranti Rd, Kemps Corner, Cumballa Hill, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400022
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Contents In This Page
Best Venous Ulcers Treatment in Mumbai at #1 Clinic - The Vein Center Mumbai

Best Venous ulcers treatment in Mumbai, even in the early stages like varicose veins, because they can progress and cause life-threatening conditions.
Service Type: venous leg ulcers treatment
Price: from 1.25 Lakhs
Currency: INR
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